The retina lines the inside of the eye. It gathers light and changes it into signals that are sent to the brain and turned into visual images. Sometimes part of the retina tears or detaches (pulls away) from the back of the eye. If it does that part of the retina cannot function properly and vision loss may occur. Tears or detachments may be caused by aging, an eye injury, or another eye problem.

Symptoms of a possible tear are flashes, floaters and sudden blurry vision

Symptoms of a retinal detachment are flashes, floaters, blurry vision or a dark area in the vision, like a curtain or veil coming down.

To prevent permanent vision loss prompt eye care is needed. Your doctor can diagnose the problem you have with a dilated eye exam and then recommend the appropriate treatment.

Treatments for a tear usually require a laser treatment, or a freezing therapy. Treatment for a detachment may be treated in the office or at a surgical center. The tear that caused the detachment is sealed then the vitreous may be removed to keep it from pulling on the retina. Then a gas bubble maybe placed in the eye, or a flexible band may be placed around the eye to hold the retina in place.